by murray | Nov 2, 2020 | Podcast
In this episode I chat with Elena Pastore, an aspiring strengths coach who has a passion for people development. We discuss Elena’s passion around changing the antiquated education system, social media and re-confirmation of belief, and how to embrace a growth mindset.
by murray | Oct 26, 2020 | Podcast
In this episode I chat with TyAnn Osborn, a Gallup-certified Strengths coach and trainer, whose passion is creating positive cultures and making the complex, simple. This discussion covers a lot, including delving into micro-messaging and how to be a better ally.
by murray | Oct 19, 2020 | Podcast
In this episode I chat with Jim Collison, a powerhouse Talent Acquisition and CliftonStrengths Community Manager at Gallup. Jim brings his incredible knowledge of people, podcasting and purpose to this discussion.
by murray | Oct 5, 2020 | Podcast
In this episode I chat with Paul Dunlop, who works with organizations to implement change and improvement through lean thinking and methodologies. We discuss the three L’s – Lean, Leadership and LEGO!
by murray | Aug 31, 2020 | Podcast
In this episode I chat with Chris Miller, a fellow Strengths Coach, consultant and facilitator. We discuss Strengths profiling, organisational purpose and exploring your legacy.
by murray | Aug 17, 2020 | Podcast
In this episode I chat with Brigette Landy, a passionate recruiter who loves helping businesses solve their people needs. We delve into the recruitment world and how Strengths play a vital role in this area.