I had a chat with a wonderful client recently who asked me, “What fills your cup?”
I let them know mountain bike riding, cooking, gardening, watching movies and spending time with the family having deep discussions and laughing.
He advised he is on a mission to find out what fills people’s cup and make it happen.
To that I said, “My thought is, it’s not your role to fill their cup. Yes, understand it, coach and remind them to fill their cup. Otherwise it’s your responsibility and not theirs.”
Just liking putting on your oxygen mask first, you need to look after yourself and support others to look after themselves.
Resilience comes from taking the moments and time to fill your cup. Otherwise, when it feels like you’re serving others or doing things from an empty cup, there’s no reserves and you can feel drained and depleted.
So find out from your team and the people around you what fills their cup, and then support, encourage and coach them in filling it up themselves.
Additionally, here’s some further tips to build your resilience…
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Start your day strong; get clear on what success looks like each day
- Be grateful for the little things
- Move your body everyday, doing exercise that brings you joy
- Pause and breathe
- Meditate and focus (be easy on yourself)
- Stay hydrated (2L to 3L of water a day)
- Embrace a growth mindset – reflect on what’s working and opportunities for further growth
- Focus on aiming your Strengths
- Have the challenging conversations.
The more conversations we have and actions we take around building resilience and taking radical responsibility of our wellbeing and what brings us joy, the more content, engaged and inspired we are all going to be.