Episode 55 – Tammy & Murray Guest | 10 Tips for working from home
In this episode, I catch up with my wife Tammy to discuss tips for working from home.
We have been running our businesses from home for a number of years (me 8 years, Tammy 5 years) and we have learned some things that work and don’t. With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic right now, so many people are suddenly needing to work from home and our hope is these 10 tips make things easier for you!
- Discuss the arrangements with family or your flatmates
- Create a routine
- Work with the energy and environment of different rooms (e.g. home office, lounge room, outside areas)
- Move and stretch
- Setup your work area ergonomically
- Set up wifi rules
- Be realistic on your goals
- Be kind to yourself & others
- Communicate needs and timetable
- Have alone time, connection time
Bonus tip – Reach out to your work colleagues and team-mates!
You can find out more about what Tammy does at www.tammyguest.com too!