Episode 42 – Heading into the Roaring 20s | Melanie Midegs
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In this episode I chat with Melanie Midegs, where she shares insights from the last decade and predictions for the next.
Melanie is a futurist, teacher of Chakra Philosophy for Business and founder of Seed to Soul. We explore psychosomatic therapy – the study of the body-mind connection – and how this changed her world, why technology will shift us to unplug, and her core message of humanity and sustainability before economics.
Key episode highlights include:
- A company can’t become truly sustainable unless its people are conscious – that’s the piece that’s still missing
- Shifting focus from profit to planet
- It’s hard to care about a bigger issue in the world, when our personal life isn’t feeling safe.
Key lessons/achievements from the last decade:
- Trusting the process
- Failures just point you in a new direction and a ’no’ just means you need to find another way
- Sorting her own life out so she can now focus on making a bigger impact
- The world is waking up and becoming more accepting of new ideas and ways of being, especially through information being greatly accessible via technology – 6 years ago people used to give Melanie the strangest looks when she started to talk about Chakra Philosophy and Face Reading… since then she’s been invited to companies such as Lululemon and Singapores Chambers of Commerce & Industry to present this work.
What Melanie predicts the next decade will hold:
- The beauty of technology and artificial intelligence is the fact that it’ll push us to the point where we need to unplug
- Our current climate crisis, amongst a range of other issues, will get worse before it gets better, unfortunately… but two things will happen under pressure. New leaders will be born, and those who refuse to start doing things differently will struggle
- Those who choose to stay ignorant to not only what’s important in this world, but ignorant to their own emotional intelligence will truly struggle when their comfortable structures start crashing down around them.
- There’s a new way to come back into business and still be successful, but do it from the heart.
Melanie’s personal goals for the next decade:
To change the lives of 1,000,000 people. Melanie is beginning to lead a movement that busts the notion that spirituality and emotional intelligence are ‘soft skills’ in business… yes we need strategy, but for the world to change and become a happier place, everyone needs to change their perspective of themselves from the inside out… from CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Employees and World Leaders… no one is exempt from this and the ripple effect, without a doubt, will be life changing for all of us.
Melanie’s final messages:
Humanity and sustainability must come before economics. The world is in this chaotic turmoil because economics comes before anything else
There is no separation between you and your business. Your world is a direct reflection of what’s happening internally for you. Ignore your body, ignore your emotions ~ instead purely using your mind, and you will create a dead end road for yourself.
To find out more about Melanie, head over to Seed to Soul.

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Murray Guest
I’m with Melanie Midegs. And we are talking about the past decade and the next decade as we head into the roaring 20s. Melanie, how are you?
Melanie Midegs
I’m fantastic. Thank you so much for inviting me to this really awesome question. I think.
Murray Guest
Well, thank you, I really appreciate that and the chance to chat and to connect again, I love getting to know you earlier this year in Bali, and just your whole approach to the work that you do. You are a futurist and teacher of the chakra philosophy for business. And we’re gonna get into that. And I just want to acknowledge the whole passion you have for the work that you do and the work that you bring into corporations and changing people’s mindsets around what it is around emotional intelligence and this philosophy. How are you?
Melanie Midegs
Yeah, I’m fabulous. It’s hot, though. It is hot. I know. I can’t remember how long it’s been since we saw each other in Bali. But I don’t think it’s rained since I’ve seen you like it. It’s hot and dry here right now.
Murray Guest
Well, I know last time I was there, the locals were saying it’s hot. So if the locals are saying it’s hot, it is hot.
Melanie Midegs
Yeah. And I’ve been here for five years now. So and I’m saying it’s hot, too.
Murray Guest
So let’s look back on the last decade. So help me out and help our listeners understand when did you get into this area that you focus on now?
Melanie Midegs
Yes. So teaching chakra philosophy for business. My turning point was actually seven years ago when I started to study to become a psychosomatic therapist. But I would say the whole process started probably a decade ago when my world was just like, felt like it was falling to pieces around me. And yeah, it was psychosomatic therapy that really woke me up. And it was, it was just I knew instantly when I was doing that training, that this was what I had to teach people and to get them to wake up to see the bigger picture of what’s really going on.
Murray Guest
And for people that don’t understand, what is psychosomatic therapy?
Melanie Midegs
So psychosomatic therapy is the study of the mind and body connection. Psych meaning the mind and soma being the body. And what I’m trying to do is actually read it. So you can read the whole body. And it aligns to a lot of emotional aspects, personality aspects and what we’re holding on to, but you can also read the face and so bring your face reading into my work. But I find it’s, if when we use our body as a compass, to what to do, it is a game changer. And we’re you know, we’re numbed out, people that aren’t awake are numbed out. That’s why there’s so much addiction, so much depression.
Murray Guest
What does it mean for you personally, to have this understanding? And I know that you teach it for others? What does it mean for you?
Melanie Midegs
My whole world has changed, like, the whole thing has changed. I used to dream, actually, I remember when I was because I’m 41 now. So 10 years ago, I was 31. Even before that, when I was about 29, I had this picture up on the back of my bedroom door of like a villa. It wasn’t a Balinese villa, but it was a villa with sort of that, you know, Balinese kind of feel to it. And I used to look at it, wanting it, but just thinking I have no idea how that’s gonna happen. No idea. And through understanding my body that that has just shifted how do I make decisions, understanding myself on a bigger on a deeper level to start doing things that are right for me, rather than just kind of going along with the crowd of like, what life is supposed to look like.
Murray Guest
Yeah. Okay. So from a decision making process, do you actually take that moment to tap into what is your body telling you before you sort of just leap in and maybe even go through it? Unconsciously through life?
Melanie Midegs
I, I use it more like when I’m making my decisions when my body plays up. It’s like, oh, a bit of a check in. Rather than the other way around. Yeah.
Murray Guest
It’s 2019. You know, 2009. I actually saw a photo of you on Instagram, when you did that sort of comparison being into that, you looked very different 10 years ago. Yeah. Yeah. And I think we have, I had more hair and it was darker. I know that for sure. But in this past decade, tell us about that journey and what you’d love to acknowledge and celebrate in the past 10 years.
Melanie Midegs
So I’d love to celebrate the fact that I just trust the process, and I trusted my dream. And even though, you know 10 years ago, I did just move to Brisbane. I ended up living at my Auntie’s place, sharing a bunk bed. You know, when I was 30, something like I was supposed to have my life together by them. And I was just like, What the hell is happening? I was working two jobs trying to get, you know, money together. And I, I celebrate the fact that these are not failures, it that is actually just pointing you in a new direction and giving you more strength to get things going, basically. Yeah, but the one thing I know, that I’ve always had is, is that desire that everything’s going to get better that’s never wavered within me, that makes sense, or that that passion that I have for making the world a better place, it’s never wavered. And I’ve always believed that there’s got to be a way, you know, just because someone says no, doesn’t mean, no, it’s like there’s got to be, there is a way.
Murray Guest
Gotcha. And when you say trust the process, is that trusting how life’s unfolding and trusting with that positive anticipation, that positive thought that it’s all going to work out? Is that something that’s come to you more and more in the past decade?
Melanie Midegs
That’s something that has come to me more recently. Yeah, I think it’s, that’s what I’ve learned. That’s definitely what I’ve learned is to trust it and know that it’s happening for a reason.
Murray Guest
Yeah. Okay. So now, I’ve loved exploring and discussing your past decade, your journey in Brisbane, and what that’s been like, and now living in Bali. Just how long have you been living in Bali for?
Melanie Midegs
I’ve been here for five years now.
Murray Guest
Five years, five years moving to six? Yes. Now, in the past five, six years, maybe the past decade, you’ve achieved some amazing results and amazing things with the work that you do. Let’s celebrate some of that. Let’s talk a bit about that. So tell me a bit about the work you do. And let’s celebrate that.
Melanie Midegs
Yeah, you know the thing that I’m celebrating the most right now, and it is like something that I just pinch myself almost every day, is the fact that the world is waking up. And it is changing. Because when I started the Psychosomatics, so I did my training, and then I would be ringing my friends and going, can I do a face reading because I need to practice my work. And they’re like, oh, what? And they’re like, Yeah, okay. And so I do the face reading, and it’s related to the chakra system. And I would be talking about the chakras and then like, so, they were kind of interested, but they were just like, You’re crazy. You know, like, you know, that feeling when someone just walks away, and you’re like, okay, they think I’m crazy. And it’s really funny, because now I’ve had friends from the past actually starting to follow me. And they’re doing my courses now. And they want to learn more about this. Because it’s like, through technology and the advancements that we’ve had, we’ve got information at our fingertips. So it’s opened up the minds and hearts of people that think, oh, maybe there is another way that we can, we can do these things.
Murray Guest
And so what I’m hearing is the the insights and understanding that you’ve got are more accepted and more embraced now than what they were some time ago.
Melanie Midegs
Only. And, you know, when I first came to Bali, it was too, I just kind of had enough of the Western world, it was like, I just need a place where I can nurture and bring my my business idea to life basically. And, you know, when I came here, instantly, I understood what feminine energy was about, I already knew what it was about, but I felt it here. And then after being here for three years, I you know, when you’re somewhere for long enough, you kind of have your own belief patterns. And I was like, yeah, the Western world, they have no idea like, it’s not happening. And I went to Singapore, to a conscious living festival just a couple of years ago, and they were talking about, talking about sustainability and humanity, sort of problems in the business world and I was just like, holy crap. Like, they’re here. Like that having, at least they’re having a conversation. Yeah. And that’s when I was like, this is this is good. It’s happened. It’s and so I’m really glad I didn’t give up on what my idea was and how to bring it up because it hasn’t been easy. You know, I have had many people question what I’m doing and you know, or palm it to the side and things like that. But now I feel like you know, it is more widely accepted because I have been to places like Lululemon in Singapore and even invited to the Chamber of Commerce to you know, present this work to them and they loved it as well. And I was like, wow, like the world is accepting new ideas and new ways of doing things.
Murray Guest
Yeah. And I can imagine that the term of soft skills of that’s applied and thrown around so much around the understanding people that their soft skills, they’re actually quite hard. Because we’re talking about people and understanding people, but they’re also so important. And what I know from this work you do, it gives us a real insight into understanding ourselves and those around us at a deeper level.
Melanie Midegs
Yeah, it’s funny, as soon as you said, soft skills, I got this, like you know, my, my core message right now is that humanity and sustainability needs to come before economics, there is so much education that needs to happen around that. And but it’s good, at least that the conversations are happening. And that, you know, at least people are being you know, business owners are becoming more conscious, you know, even just the fact that they have to become sustainable now, because of all the climate change issues that we face, something starting that. But, you know, I don’t think a company can become truly sustainable unless its people are conscious. And that’s the thing. That’s the little piece that I think is still missing.
Murray Guest
Yeah, I think that’s a really good perspective that we’ve been shifting the focus to, from profit, to the planet, to sustainability, to understanding our impact is organizations on the world. Yet, there’s still the people element that’s amongst all that, that’s still not quite there yet, there’s still a lot more work to be done. There are certainly a lot more work to be done on the climate as well. I’m looking out my window right now with bushfires not far away. So. But yeah.
Melanie Midegs
And this is the thing, I think, to like 10 years ago, even though, you know, I care about the world. At that point in time, I didn’t care about the world, because my life was so shit. Yeah, but that was basically what it was. And it’s hard to care about a bigger thing, when our, our personal place is not feeling safe. It’s not feeling great. It’s not feeling whatever. And so I think that is what I’m celebrating is that now I’m at a point where I can easily see the bigger picture and may start making more of an impact on a bigger level, because I’ve kind of sorted my own self out.
Murray Guest
Yeah, gotcha. Gotcha. Totally understand that. Yeah. And I can, I can totally relate to that. Now, let’s look forward. So we’ve had a bit of a chat about the past and right now. And you know, we’re at 2019. We’re heading into the roaring 20s. Maybe we’re going to go back 100 years and have some cool clothes and haircuts. I don’t know.
Melanie Midegs
I love the 20s.
Murray Guest
Yeah, it was a good time, from what I believe. But what do you see the next decade looking like and what are you envisaging? And what would you love to achieve?
Melanie Midegs
So I I’m excited, I actually feel the same as I did when I was 21. When the year 2000 happened, because I was a little bit naive to the world at that point. And really excited and like it was like infinite possibilities. And for the first time since then, that’s what I feel like right now. That there is infinite possibilities that what we can create, I feel like the people that are complacent, they’re going to start having a really hard time, like the people that refuse to do things differently. The people that refuse to look after themselves, life is going to start to become really, really difficult. Whereas those of us who have started that wake up process, it’s actually going to become more. It doesn’t mean it’s not going to have its challenges, but it’s going to be more free flowing. There’s a bit more agility there to sort of work with the environment around us rather than thinking this is how it’s gonna be. So I feel like, yeah, there’s still a few years of you know, and you look around the world, and there’s all sorts of stuff rising to the surface, like it’s just bubbling consistently, I think, found out about Bikram or whatever the other day as well. And it becomes tiring to hear all these stories, but I just see it as a detox process. It’s like the world has to detox like or enter detox, all this stuff has to come to the surface for us to be able to clear it out.
Murray Guest
Do you think over the next few years, we’re going to see more stuff coming to the surface to detox, as part of that process to help us move forward as humanity?
Melanie Midegs
Yes, because just say that makes you start questioning your own ethics. It starts you asking yourself the questions, how authentic am I being with what I’m doing? And so it’s kind of like it needs to happen. Because that’s how, you know, consciousness as a whole is gonna rise around the world, no matter if you’re a mom or a dad, a kid, business owner, like we’ve all got to play a part to play in it all.
Murray Guest
So Tammy talks to me sometimes about the pendulum swing. And she says like that pendulum has been one way, and now it’s starting to swing back another way, which is I can imagine some of that disruption, the toxicity stuff coming to the surface, and then it’s going to maybe come back and balance out again.
Melanie Midegs
Yeah. And, you know, I think that that’s because that’s when we, we do that internally within ourselves as well. You know, I think, I don’t know about your circles, but I know my circles, it’s like, holy moly. I’ve gone through so much in the last couple of years of growth of whatever. And it’s like preparing us for a more harmonious future.
Murray Guest
Yeah, I definitely think so. And I’m seeing more of that. And I think online, there’s more of that happening. And I think that human connection is certainly something which is, as much as we got the digital age and that digital connection, that human connection is something which is just coming back around more and more and more.
Melanie Midegs
Yeah. And, you know, the beauty about artificial intelligence and technology is that it is actually going to push us to that point where we must do meditation, when we have to unplug. Because I know I got to my limit recently. And I was like, I just, I cannot be on this all the time. And so I think more and more people start doing that as well.
Murray Guest
Yeah. So what about your personal goals? If we just put it out there to the to the ether, to the universe? What would you love to achieve?
Melanie Midegs
Yeah well, I was loving it when you asked me this question, because I was like, Yeah, what do I want to achieve? And I’m sitting there, I was writing down the number. And I was like, I want to affect and help change a million lives by 2030. And I really, in my core belief that like, if you asked me that, so five years ago, I could have said the number but you know, when you say a number, and you’re just like, yeah, yeah, whereas now, I feel like I know, I know how I can do. And in fact, it’s, it’s not, it probably could even be more than that. But really, to support them in shifting and coming back to that sense of place where they do feel good within themselves, so then they can give back to the world.
Murray Guest
And when you work with people, when you help people, when you help people come back centered, grounded, and tapping into that. What does that look like, in the way that you work with people?
Melanie Midegs
Yes, so I’ve created a course I guess I’m going to call it, the business chakra system. First of all, it’s about awareness. So at the moment, I’m doing a lot of things to bring people’s awareness to themselves, like. We’ve got so many executives, and, you know, high corporate managers that come here, just going, Whoa, I need a break, I need to sort this out. This is not working for me. So working with them, just to reassure them that everything’s gonna be okay. And just showing them that there’s a new way that you can come back into business and still be successful still be part of that, that sort of area, but do it more from the heart, know that you make different decisions becoming emotionally intelligent to do. So I teach chakra philosophy for business in the online sense, like an online platform. But then I also love doing talking and running face to face workshops as well. So that’s the main ways that people work.
Murray Guest
Yeah, fantastic. Now, if I gave you the opportunity to have a sky writer, and that sky writer can put your message over the world and everybody around the world can see that message. They can’t avoid it, it’s there. And it’s environmentally friendly, might add as well. But it’s there. Okay. And this is, Mel, your message, and everyone’s going to see that. What message would you love that to be?
Melanie Midegs
It would have to be that humanity and sustainability must come before economics. It’s that’s why, because economics is currently number one. That is why we’re in this chaotic turmoil place of turmoil, right? When we put humanity and sustainability first, and it starts with the individual, it’s not even from a company point of view. It’s like when you put your own humanity and sustainability first, before economics, that’s when the balance is going to come into play. You know, so I’m hardcore about that, if I could, if that was, if those values changed, hopefully before 2030. But if they changed by the end, by the end of the next decade, I will be, my work is done. I’ll be like, we’ve done it.
Murray Guest
Yes. Awesome. I feel that I can feel your energy when you talk about that and the impact that can make. And there’s some companies doing some great work about around that. And some people doing some amazing things to raise that awareness. But I think your core message there, it starts with the individual actions that we can all take to make that change.
Melanie Midegs
Well, there’s no separation between you and your business. That’s what, that’s like my tagline. So, you know, your business might be running great. But if your relationships and other places aren’t, guess what?
Murray Guest
There’s no separation between you and your business. And I, from what I’m hearing you say, that goes for no matter if you run your own business, or you’re an employee in an organization.Yeah. Now, where is the number one best place for people to connect with you online?
Melanie Midegs
They can come to my website, which is seedtosoul.com.au. And from there, it’s got all my social media places, it’s got loads of information about chakra philosophy for business and psychosomatic therapy as well.
Murray Guest
So now, I’ve absolutely love connecting with you today, talking about the past your journey, the knowledge that you have, and how you impart that and inspire people with that. I’ve also loved the experience I had from learning about myself from you earlier this year. And the impact I saw in live real time with people going, Ah, that’s why oh, now I understand. Ah, that’s, that’s why I do this now. And that depth of understanding they’ll get in quite quickly about themselves and others. And your vision for humanity and sustainability, before profitability before business, I think is such a strong message. And I look forward to connecting with you again early next year to really talk about what the sacred chakra philosophy looks like in business and how we can help more people understand what that looks like for them.
Melanie Midegs
Yeah, I’d love to. I’d love to thank you so much.
Murray Guest
Wonderful. Thank you so much. See you.