Training transfer is the process of integrating into the workplace the learnings from training sessions, online courses, conferences etc. For any training to be effective, there needs to be a practical application of the insights, skills and tools into the workplace. In my workshops I always ensure conversations with the participants around what they’ve learned, what new insights they have got and how they will apply them back in their workplace. A simple stop, start, continue process stimulates the identification of opportunities, actions and ways of being.


The 70:20:10 model for development has been a focus in many organisations and learning processes for decades. Effective training transfer, embraces the 70:20:10 model, through acknowledging that “getting” the learning happens through experiences and coaching in the workplace.


During a recent team Strengths workshop, team members identified opportunities for themselves and the broader team to apply their learnings when they are back in the workplace. Below are some highlights of their actions, I hope they inspire you and your team to think about how you can embed your learnings and bring strengths to life in your organisation.

Build Strategic Thinking into our processes – With only 11% of the Team’s Top 5 CliftonStrengths® in the Strategic Thinking domain, the awareness that exploring strategic approaches for different clients doesn’t come naturally was revealed during the workshop. A key action was to implement a Client Strategic Review item on the team meeting agenda to create space for strategic thinking (where are we going, how will we get there, what ideas are there, what data do we need…)

Be more mindful of my language when discussing workloads and priorities with my peers. To quote a team member, “Balance my driving to get things done (Achiever®) with my Relator® to build trusting relationships.”

Feel more confident about who I am. For a whole of range of reasons (negative comments, perceived or real unhelpful feedback from peers, managers, friends, partners, self talk…) many people have developed a frame that their strengths are their weaknesses. When people embrace their strengths and what’s right with them, there’s a new infectious energy they bring to work.

Be more mindful of my team mate’s needs, through stop putting my expectations onto how I think they should behave.

Increased collaboration, through seeking to understand other team member’s strengths more deeply, provide support for them to apply and leverage them.

Greater self-awareness, through identifying the spectrum of the application of my strengths (balcony, basement, brilliance and blind spots) and discussing with others.

Acknowledge and celebrate when my team member’s strengths shine through letting them know! There generally isn’t enough acknowledgement in organisations and a few simple words of appreciation and encouragement of someone’s strengths go a long way!

Apply my strengths to build relationships with specific clients. People can tell when you are being you (or trying to sell them something). Focussing on applying your dominant Strengths with clients is an authentic way to serve clients and build strong relationships with them.

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