Episode 8 – Brandon Miller | CEO of 34 Strong
In this episode we discuss the impact of the work of 34 Strong in building strengths-based cultures and engagement, Brandon & Analyn’s book on strengths-based parenting – Play to their Strengths – and how Brandon has embraced his Top 5 Strengths!
Brandon Miller is CEO of 34 Strong, Founded along with Darren Virassammy, as one of the very first Employee Engagement and Strengths-Based Development Consultancies in the World. His Top Five CliftonStrengths are:
Maximizer – Achiever – Activator – Strategic – Arranger.
Brandon is one of the first Gallup-Certified Strength Coaches in the world. He is a professional speaker communicating with CEOs on leading with strengths. Brandon believes that developing strengths takes three main ingredients: self-awareness, personal commitment to excellence and strong community partners. He coaches people to let go of their personal judgment of self, to reflect on moments of genius sprinkled throughout their life and to invest time in the areas that make them feel the strongest. Brandon believes it is his calling to help organizations sustain a strengths-based culture.
Brandon and his wife Analyn are co-authors of the book,Play to Their Strengths; A New Approach to Parenting Your Kids as God Made Them(available now on pre-order at Amazon). They are passionate about seeing families engage a strengths-based parenting approach that unearths the uniqueness in every child and empowers positive parent child relationships through every stage of life. Analyn and Brandon live in Elk Grove, CA and have served the local church in children, youth, and young adult ministries.
Key highlights on this episode include:
Culture is value alignment, and if value alignment is not in place then it’ll be very difficult to sustain any partnership
Why a major part in successful business partnerships (or any partnership really) is to play the infinity game – have the conversation keep going and avoid a finite way of thinking
Why Activator is Brandon’s most prominent strength and how he plays to that in both business and life
Why focusing on what’s “wrong” with our children doesn’t just impact in the moment but also has a lifelong ripple effect in the way they feel about themselves.
Connect with Brandon at 34strong.com and over at analynbrandon.com.