
Episode 18 – Graeme Cowan | Resilience Speaker & RUOK? Board Director

Episode 18 – Graeme Cowan | Resilience Speaker & RUOK? Board Director

Graeme Cowan helps leaders and their tribes to create an environment, culture and conversations that change people’s lives. We discuss how to support a colleague in distress, how to encourage an R U OK culture in the workplace, and simple rituals you can do to increase wellbeing and effectiveness.

Episode 16 – David Conley | Health & well-being coach

Episode 16 – David Conley | Health & well-being coach

In this episode, Dave Conley and I discuss unconscious habits and the very small steps we can take to change these, how to adopt radical self-care as the foundation for lifelong happiness plus the steps he took in rebooting his life after tragedy.

Episode 13 – Shane & Angie Saunders | Breathing Experts (Breathe Me)

Episode 13 – Shane & Angie Saunders | Breathing Experts (Breathe Me)

In this episode we explore insights and practical tips from Breathing Experts, Shane and Angie Saunders. We discuss how to breathe energy not just air, how to develop your own CTRL ALT DELETE and clear your cache, tips to upgrade your processes, raise your standards, and increase your value.

Episode 7 – Jeffrey Allen | Tapping into your energy

Episode 7 – Jeffrey Allen | Tapping into your energy

We explore Jeffrey’s top 5 strengths and his work as an energy healer and he shares practical tips to help you tap more consciously into your energy and the impact that can have in your life and your relationships.