Episode 34 – Wendy De Rosa | Intuitive Healer & Founder of the School of Intuitive Studies
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Wendy De Rosa is a Colorado-based intuitive healer whose mission it is to help people develop their intuitive system.
Consciousness is rising – more people are waking up to their abilities and gifts.
How cultivating a practice of grounding yourself is a way to tap into your intuition
So much self-care is needed to manage the intensity of what happens in business, so pausing becomes crucial to stay connected to yourself.

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Murray Guest
Hi, Wendy, welcome to the podcast. I’m so looking forward to chatting with you today about the amazing work you do. How are you?
Wendy De Rosa
I am doing wonderfully. Thank you so much for having me.
Murray Guest
No trouble at all. And you’re in Boulder, Colorado. What’s it like? Right now? There?
Wendy De Rosa
I’m on, we’re on day three of a snowstorm that is supposed to hopefully ease up by tonight or tomorrow morning. But we actually don’t get snow that much on the Front Range area. But we just happen to be dumped on right.
Murray Guest
So is it still in the magical state stage? Or is it gone to the it’s a bit annoying stage?
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, no, it’s pretty magical. It’s still coming down.
Murray Guest
Oh, nice. That sounds beautiful. Well, I don’t get to snow where I am. And I have a dream of having a white Christmas at some stage because obviously we don’t get those where I am. So but I I can imagine just that this, as you said, while it’s a snow storm. It’s still quite beautiful on the trees, I’m sure.
Wendy De Rosa
Yes, definitely.
Murray Guest
I’m so looking forward to chatting today about the work that you do in helping people tap into their intuition. And what it means to be an empath and I love what your website is about. It’s so needed right now in the world. And people tap into that more. Can I ask before we get into it, how did you get into this as something that you do? Was it a calling? Or where did that come from?
Wendy De Rosa
Well, it actually came out of a very, very challenging upbringing around being highly sensitive. And I know now intuitive, I didn’t know that back then. And having an increased amount of over sensitivity symptoms, we’ll call it, so I was dealing with anxiety, I was the, I was the oldest girl in a family of eight kids in a big Italian Catholic family in the east coast of the United States. And I just had a lot of stress on me. And I was my mother’s helper, the majority of my life. And then by the time I turned 19, I am abridging the story. But basically, the panic attacks and the anxiety increased and increased and increased. And it did so coinciding with a calling that my heart was calling me to leave where I was in school, and I was in college in Boston at the time. And when I was 19. And I I felt this call to move to Colorado and I knew nothing about Colorado, before the internet existed even. And I just felt it. And then long story short, I had a nervous breakdown when I was 19 years old and was in the hospital for it. And when I was recovering, I basically again, I’m abridging the story but I made it out to Colorado, I found a healing teacher. It was guided but it happened through a car accident. So I went from a panic attack to a car accident, I was in recovery for this car accident, getting some therapeutic massage for some of the you know the ligament stuff I had going on and muscle stuff. And the therapist, the massage therapists said, I think you have this ability and my mom’s an energy healing spiritual teacher, I think she can help you with what you have going on. And I went to visit her mom and her mom, you know, did a session with her she’s not confirmed what it was that I had this, you know, this ability, this intuitive ability. And it resonated with finally somebody naming what I felt. And from there I studied with her for a couple of years, not very long. But I started doing sessions and this was 20 almost 25 years ago, 24 years ago, I started doing sessions and and long story short, by the time I was 30 I had over 500 clients from word of mouth. Again, this was pre Facebook and social media. And then people wanted to know how to do what I do. And they you know, felt it for themselves. And so I started to develop training programs and then started the intuitive healer training program and that’s now currently I’ve been running that for nine years and basically I wrote three books and started teaching for the shift network and did a course for Silvanna, which is a Mind Valley channel and it’s just progressed from there.
Murray Guest
So when you look back on, and I just I’m so inspired by your journey. And thank you for sharing that. And I’m just thinking when you look back on those teenage years, and as you said, your mother’s helper, the eldest daughter of eight. And when you think about that time did that shape you? Do you think, did that give you some insight? Because you talked about there must have been some tough times back then.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, it was tough. I mean, here’s, here’s what I know. And this really ties into the, that what intuition really is. So maybe I’ll just say a bit about that and, and just tie it in here. So intuition, I think most commonly, people will relate to the voice inside, which is definitely an aspect of intuition. But intuition is our consciousness communicating or soul communicating through our consciousness. And that can happen through the felt sense, which is clairsentience, it can happen through a sense of knowing, which is claircognizance. And also it can happen through body sensations, or physical symptoms, like nausea, or a stomach ache or a headache. That’s also intuition. And that’s an aspect of claircognizance. Some people will hear, you know, words or downloads or something coming through their higher self or from their inner child, that’s clairaudience, and some people will see, will have vision, visionary sense, they’ll, you know, they can see pictures and images, or they have bright ideas, and, and they can relate to being a visionary. Well, I had all four of them. And I didn’t know I certainly did not know, back then I had all four aspects of intuition. I thought that I was crazy. I thought there was something wrong with me.
Murray Guest
Yeah, can I just check, so what was the support? Or the or maybe even back then no support? What was it like for you? At that time?
Wendy De Rosa
There wasn’t really I mean, no one was really, nobody, nobody was talking about raising a sensitive child back then. I mean, even nowadays, we, you can, there’s lots of information out there about about, you know, over sensitivity and children with sensitivities. Back then, you know, it was, you were in survival mode, it was feast or famine, you know, it was that just consciousness wasn’t at that point, certainly parenting was an old paradigm about how to, you know how to exist and, and so I didn’t have support. And what I ended up doing was because I didn’t have the support, I internalized so much of what I was experiencing on the external world, there’s a lot of yelling and screaming, there was a lot of like dysfunction. And I internalized all of it. And that’s really what developed into those anxiety and panic attacks. Because I had no place to put my emotions, or my feelings are my experience of what was going on.
Murray Guest
Can I just say, I absolutely loved you, describing intuition as your soul communicating to your conscious mind. And I even, you’ve just shared something which and to me, it was a new perspective. And I appreciate that and maybe to people listening, it isn’t, but that how intuition can show up in different ways for different people.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah. And just to add to that, too, if it’s, it’s not always the conscious mind, it’s sometimes it’s our consciousness and our bodies. So some people will, their soul will communicate through their body physically. Some people get validation chills, when they know some things right. You know, that chill feeling?
Murray Guest
So why do you think people try to push that down or dismiss it?
Wendy De Rosa
You know, here’s my theory. Which is that the intuition is an aspect of the feminine consciousness in the body, whether we’re male or female. And what I mean by that is that it to access our intuition, we have to be in tune with ourselves. We have to be in some ways sensitive not to a fault, but to a to a power to understanding, wow, if I stop and pause and tune in and check in with myself, or if I listen to how spirit is communicating to me, or if I listen to, you know, the wind, the sun, the stars, whatever it is, and I follow these mystical aspects of, of life, that, you know, if I, if I do that I need to be on some level, owning my sensitivity, well throughout time, so in the body that relates to the second chakra of the body, so in the, it’s in the pelvic region, that that’s the, that’s the, the that that’s relates to sensitivity and vulnerability, and to our ability to have our emotions and to be connected on that intuitive level. Well, over time we’ve been developed and raised in, in not all of us, but I would say, I can speak certainly to the US and a lot of the West, which is that it was patriarchal, a patriarchal society, ultimately, validated science and reason and intellect over feeling, vulnerability and intuition. So there was a suppression of the feminine in the body. Now, when we think about that, from male or female perspective, we can say there was suppression of the sensitivity, or the vulnerability or the the real, the truth of what’s really felt in the body. And instead, what was valued, is what we think, or how we’re educated or how we’re going to prosper and succeed. And it invalidates the truth and invalidates our intuition in our body. And so we, it’s suppressed. And I remember when I first started doing healing work, I did not tell people I was an intuitive in the beginning. And so this was only 24 years ago, wasn’t that long ago. But I remember saying things like, Oh, I do consulting. Make something up, you know, and then then then they say, oh, what kind of consulting and I’d say, Oh, I, you know, sort of like life coaching work, because that was being more recognized. And people would say, oh, you know, I have a book by Wayne Dyer. And I read this other book by Carolyn mace. And I’m really exploring this energy world. And I’m like, and then I’d say, Okay, I’m an intuitive healer. And I’d let the cat out. But I’d have to fish for how much they’d be open to, back then. And now, we’re having quite the awakening around intuition.
Murray Guest
And I’m just going to go back a minute to and unfortunately, I can imagine, and I’m sure, unfortunately, it’s still now not just in the past, but tapping into intuition, or that feminine side is the, you know, this perception that it’s a weakness. And I know that to me growing up as a, as a male, but having feminine tendencies at times, it’s like, well, that must mean you’re weak. And I think that element is shifting, but hasn’t shifted enough. That’s for sure.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I think that we’re, we’re, we’re learning because of when when we experience, when we have suppression, you know, if you have a if you have a balloon, and they fill it with air and you push down on the balloon, the balloon kind of expands out like a pancake and leaks out the side. On an energy level, that’s very true in the body. If we have power that is pushed down and suppressed, the energy starts to disperse out the side of us, and basically what it looks like is acting out, when we can’t have our truth and in our power and our feelings, because we’re suppressed. On some level, we will find ways to act out that energy and because we’re living in a culture, that’s so that is, it’s acting out their wounds on so many levels. It we are because we have to heal these wounds because there’s a problem in culture in society and we’re looking for solutions. We’re starting to look at the root of these and finding that, you know, that, just as you’re saying, like boys are told they can’t cry. Girls who are told that they can’t, you know, that they’re too sensitive, that these are these are primordial wounds to an early child developing their wholeness with their sensitivity and their wholeness. And so I do, yeah, I hear you. It’s I think, as we’re starting to dissect where our, where the root of our wounds are as a culture we’re getting there.
Murray Guest
And I can imagine, Wendy as a teenage girl, and her balloon is being pushed down and down and down, and then that’s that, at times, it would just burst out.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Murray Guest
So empathy is a part of what you do and help people with and understand that as well, isn’t it?
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, so empathy, and empathic intuition, they’re slightly different.
Murray Guest
So help me understand empathetic intuition? How would we describe that?
Wendy De Rosa
So well, empathy is the ability to be able to feel what another person is experiencing and give them connection for that feeling. So if you were feeling sad, I would say Oh, and I’m so sorry, you know, I’m so sorry. And I, you know, I can relate or I know how you’re feeling or I want to give you a hug, you know, something to show compassion, and empathy. Empathic is the ability to be able to, to feel in our bodies on an intuitive level what somebody else is experiencing. Now, where it gets confusing, is that empathic has been known or come to be understood as overly empathic. I’m empathic because I absorb your energy into my body, and I take on the energy of others. That’s what is most commonly understood as empathic, being empathic. But it’s not the true nature of an empath. A true Empath holds their boundaries, and can feel on an intuitive level what someone is experiencing, where they can feel the emotional temperature, or the energetic temperature of what’s going on in the in the world around them. But they don’t necessarily take that energy into their body. What happens is, people like myself, grow up in environments where it’s not safe, for me, to be myself, or to have my own sense of self, and therefore my own boundaries. And so my sense of self and my sense of worth gets caught, caught or tied up in, let me keep the peace, and absorb the energy around me so that I can survive in this environment. And what ends up happening is, if I’m sensitive, I’m going to become hyper vigilant. And through my hyper vigilance, I’m going to read the energy that’s going on around me, and I’m going to absorb it in order to know how to behave, or respond. Does that make sense?
Murray Guest
Yeah, it does. And I’m actually, I don’t want to dive maybe too quick. But what I’m thinking about is how important and I’m sure this is the work that you do is how important it is to know how to create those boundaries. So that while someone is tapping into that feeling, and that emotion and their energy, that they’re still also not taking it all on.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, it’s very important. And what’s important to know about it is that, you know, I’m talking about this sort of this phenomenon that happens, particularly in the lower body, because I’ll just back up to say this is that the empathic intuition relates to in the body, we have these chakras, we have these power centers. So it relates to the second and third chakras of the body. Those are the power centers that we they’re like our navigation system, and they feel with their feel what’s going on around us so that we know how to organize ourself, in our bodies and in time and space. These two power centers are where we absorb energy. So people who are empathic, it the boundary issues, isn’t just their whole body. The boundary is specifically these two power centers that have learned that that haven’t basically they haven’t learned how to have boundaries in this area of the body because If nobody was demonstrating that nobody was providing a sense of giving somebody their power, and you know, this is this is mommy’s, this is Daddy, this is not your stuff. You know, this isn’t yours. And so someone who grows up in an environment where boundaries aren’t taught to them, and they, they instead end up absorbing everything that’s going on around them in order to survive in the environment, they end up disconnecting or disengaging from the lower body, their spirit lifts higher, and disconnecting from the lower body. And when we do that, we can stay high functioning in the upper body, but not in the boundaries, or not in the lower body, empowered in the lower body in a way to create strong presence and strong boundaries. So to answer your question, boundaries come from grounding. It comes from grounding into ourselves, if we ground into our lower body and say, This is my space, I’m radiating out from this space in my body, then I can hold appropriate energetic boundaries from expansion.
Murray Guest
I can imagine people that you work with that understanding and tapping into how they’re feeling that they are feeling disconnected to themselves, they’re feeling disconnected with their body when you start working with them. And they’re getting back into feeling into their whole self, and how that must feel for them to then feel back to connecting, as you said, not just with, you know, being higher functioning, and I can imagine someone getting a lot of things done, but they’re feeling disconnected with their body and who they really are.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, absolutely. You know, I think this embodiment piece of being able to feel ourselves and feel the emotions in the body emotions drop us into our body, we can have a good cry and come back in or we can express our anger and feel like we’re in ourselves, we can also feel like we’re out of ourselves when we’re in anger, but but it is, you know, we what happens for many people and we’re human beings is that our spirit, our little self, in our body, we go through life. And we have an experience as a child growing up and are the cells in our body, the energy body takes a snapshot of that experience. And if it’s a negative experience, it can live in our body as an imprint. And we don’t process it until we feel safe to or until there’s consciousness to and so we can go through life, living higher than our body or living in our upper upper chakras, ultimately, in the upper part of our body in our head, because that’s safe, it’s safe to be in the head, you know, until we go on a path or we go through healing and it written then we realized, wow, actually, you know, as I come into my body, I’m starting to feel things.
Murray Guest
So I’m also just wondering the the skills and I say this with all the respect the skills and talents that you have, is that something which anybody can tap into? Or is it more something that you’re born with?
Wendy De Rosa
Everybody is born with some aspects of intuition simply because they are a soul and a body and the soul communicates through our physical body one way or another. And so everybody is something, everybody is either you know, a clairvoyant, a clairaudience, a claircognizant, a clairsentient or, or any combination of those, they can have a blend. So I think when it comes to, you know, how do I, is everybody a healer? Is really that really depends on the individual. Is everybody in intuitive, meaning they can apply intuition to helping people? I think that that again, that it depends on someone’s soul calling, like what they feel called to and if it feels like that’s awakening in them then then it is it is a matter of getting training in it and understanding it. So to answer your question. I think everyone is born with some aspect of intuition that depends on how they want to see that develop or support themselves through developing it.
Murray Guest
It shapes, doesn’t it, to the power of parents and other leaders and influences of young children of how we react and respond and support them as they are, you know, tapping into some of this intuition and the feelings that they’ve got. And I can imagine how important it is to create a safe space for them to understand and explore that. And I know that you, you mentioned earlier about a shift you’re seeing in the world now, are you seeing a shift? Do you think for what’s happening now? Compared to say, as you’re saying, 25 years ago, what do you think’s happening these days?
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, definitely. Well, you know, I think I think I mentioned this about social media. I mean, I think that social media and the internet has made it accessible for people to wake up online, you know, there’s so many people sharing their awakenings and their gifts, and that gets transmitted and other people are feeling, or having a similar experience or feeling the validation of that. So there’s sort of this rise of, you know, through the, through the increase of technology, I do think that it’s made it more visible for consciousness to expand and awaken within more people. And I mean, consciousness is rising, more people are waking up to their abilities into their gifts and feeling their soul callings. And their heart is cracking open and they’re wanting to, you know, live more, something more happy, more connected, more conscious, more spiritual, you know, a lot of people are stepping on that path. And I and I also, I do believe in my experience, that the visibility of that on tech, on social media, has been a factor. You know, I remember when I was learning, I, you had to seek out the teachers because and they had books, you know, they’re sort of the big waves who are out there at the time, otherwise, you go to a coffee shop, and like rip a tag off a fly, you know, go to that class. You know, that’s the way it, you know, that’s what we had.
Murray Guest
I also think in what’s going on in the world, in different countries right now and the divisiveness, so divisions, and how important the work that people are doing about themselves and understanding that energy and and rise is just so important right now, to bring people together.
Wendy De Rosa
Absolutely, that connectedness and also it’s, I always find it fascinating when I see, you know, CEOs or big leaders of companies and visionaries, who are basically saying things like, yeah, we follow the data, we follow the statistics. But in the end, when I have to make a big decision, I listen to my gut. You know, I follow my intuition. It’s so, in business, I think even there, you know, there’s, there’s been me, I’ve read countless articles on specifically that and how it’s, it is a big part of how where we’re changing the world and evolving is through these visions, and through these ideas, and through what seems like wow, this seems extreme, but it they’re birthed out of intuition.
Murray Guest
I also think the statistic is something like over 90% of decisions, emotional based, aren’t they? Yet we somehow think in the corporate world, hang on we need to make decisions based on the data and what does that tell us? But it is so inspiring when we do hear of leaders that talk about I’m tapping into my intuition, I’m tapping into my emotion, what am I feeling what does my gut told me? And for me, personally, when the I would say, I know when I make decisions where I’ve tapped into that they’re the right decision. So the best decisions at the time.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, absolutely. You know, and I know I personally have had the experience of knowing what chaos ensues when I don’t listen to my own intuition.
Murray Guest
So what what is going on? Do you think when we’re tapping into that, when we’re tapping into that intuition, and we are tapping into those emotions, and getting really grounded, what is going on for us as people do you think?
Wendy De Rosa
Well, first of all, the process of, first, some people intuition, those, the, either it’s the tuning in, or it’s just simply those spontaneous hits that people get those, you know, I just gotta hit that this is what I needed to do. And it comes quickly, you know, that sometimes some people are fast processors in that way, it’s just information comes really quickly to them. And they’re tuning in, and they are essentially downloading the connected on a spiritual level, and basically, through the channel of grace in the body. And they’re connected in a way that information downloads very quickly. And that can feel like a hit, or it can feel like a, you know, a sort of a quick download or impulse. And then some people might feel more like they’re slower processors. Like they, they they know they are stopping to tune in and to feel what their, what their soul is communicating through their physical body, or through their heart, or through their inner child. And so it’s ultimately this soul consciousness that’s communicating to us through our, our consciousness through our awareness. And in the lower body, it’s denser. So for tuning into how we feel in our body, it might take a little longer to get that information. If we’re tuning in higher, to receiving from above us know receiving grace in, it’s a little bit faster, because there isn’t as much density of the human form. But it is this, you know, it’s this activation of our soul, in communion with the divine, giving us information and that information isn’t always predictive. It’s not always, you know, to keep us from feeling something in the future. It’s not always that sometimes that information is stop, rest, take care of your body, or go to sleep. That intuition is really a perfectly resounding one liner that we need to hear.
Murray Guest
I can, I was having a talk to a leader recently just around resiliency and resiliency being an outcome of other strategies, as opposed to being taught to be resilient. And I’m just thinking about that conversation and what you’re exploring and sharing. About when we do that, when we tap into intuition, when we listen to it, when we take guidance from that. I’m imagining that we’re building some of our own resiliency whilst doing that.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. In a way, I mean, it’s a, it’s a slightly different way of saying, I think the same thing, which is that when you know, when we we live on the energy body, so for looking at our just our physical body, we live very forward, we lean in, we live very forward. In our consciousness, we’re in the front of frontal template of our brain problem solving. We’re in the front of our hearts, worried about or feeling into everything. We’re in the front of the gut, which means sometimes for some people, lots of digesting of life and food and other things. But in the back side of our body is where we connect to our, our, our self, or soul. And that’s where we receive from the Divine. That’s where the channel of grace comes in. So when we tune into our intuition, this is a resiliency piece I was relating to is that when we’re in the front part of our body, trying to problem solve life, we can get depleted. But if we lean back into our back body, and we lean into prayer and meditation, and contemplation, and filling up from source that connects us to our intuition And it sources us it gives us prana lifeforce energy for resiliency. And I always say to people, you know, self love is receiving grace into the back body that’s in filling up, like filling up that your tank, so that you have enough to to enough fuel to be out there in the world through the front body. Or that leaning back.
Murray Guest
I’ll just say, I really felt that when you describe that around self love, and how important that is. Yeah, yeah. Wendy, I’d love to know what the impact has been on others through your work, because I can imagine through the school of intuitive studies over the past 22 years, you must have had some amazing experiences making a difference and helping people see a difference in their lives.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, absolutely. I, you know, in some ways, I’m a little humble, in answering because I, you know, I come from that, as holding, I’m holding the consciousness to show up and, and, you know, and show me and do what their body needs to do. And, you know, and I’ll tell you that, that I run a training program, and I’ve worked with countless clients, and they many will say that their their life has changed, that they’re a different person, especially when it comes to the, you know, to learning in the training program that I teach them training, healers, so say, Gosh, I thought I was coming into learn a skill and how to be a healer, I had no idea it was going to transform every part of my being. And that’s on the training level on the healing level. And I’ve worked with people who have recovered miraculously from cancer, from illness from auto immune from, you know, worked with people who have transitioned through through divorce, I’ve worked with people who have crossed over into the, you know, passed on that that process of moving on end of life. Also, people have just really spent 30 years in therapy, and they want to go deeper into experiencing major soul healing and shift on that soul level inside them. And so, oh, my gosh, there’s a range. There is, there’s been a lot.
Murray Guest
And I love you, your humbleness as you describe the impact of your work? What when you think about that work, and the impact you’ve made what truly lights you up?
Wendy De Rosa
Hmm, I think what lights me up is that I feel my calling and my mission here on this earth is to help people develop the wholeness of their intuitive, their intuitive system. And that means that they’ve cleared blocks in their body to allow more of their true light to emerge. And when I see that happened, for someone that lights me up, when I see wow, they, they like it happened. They shifted, they got it on some level and that that the blocks cleared, they woke up inside and the light is illuminating from their being and they have transformed. That’s what lights me up.
Murray Guest
And there’s a lightness to the way that they are going through life isn’t there?
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, I mean, I would say there’s they go through life, with more lightness, but also more resources. And more. They’re more resources around emotions and actions and reactions. You know, they might not see emotions as negative, they’ll just have more capacity to be able to say, Wow, okay, I have a feeling or so and so has a feeling. And I’m just going you know, it’s not about me, I’m going to hold space that it just does their boat doesn’t get rocked the way it used to be that way.
Murray Guest
Yeah. Okay. If someone’s listening to this, and they’re thinking, okay, I’d like to tap into my intuition a little bit easier, or listen to that or little bit more, what would be a tip that you could suggest to them.
Wendy De Rosa
So I would definitely invite grounding and grounding, I visualize a grounding cord. And the grounding cord I visualize is not a skinny cord from the tailbone to the center of the earth. Rather, it’s a wider grounding cord. So it secures around the sides of the hips, the low belly and the low spine. And then it’s like a beam of light or a pipeline that goes straight down or a tree trunk that goes down to the center of the earth. And so I invoke that image. And I invite people to take as much time as they need to ground, keeping in mind that sometimes the journey between the head and the heart is a long journey. Sometimes it takes some breath, and some time, and sometimes it takes the body up to 10 minutes to settle down. So if it feels like you want to tune in and really trust your intuition, your intuition on a voice level or on a body level might be a quieter voice than what you’re used to hearing. And for those who might say, well, I can’t tell if it’s my monkey mind, or my fear, versus my intuition, I would recommend taking some deep breaths and slowing down and grounding yourself until you can come into this state of feeling really, still peaceful and still, and then allow your heart to give you the information. Or maybe for some people, it’s not your heart, maybe it’s your guts, you know, in somewhere lower in your body, in a tuning into your intuition there. That’s what I would recommend if a practice.
Murray Guest
And I think the sense of busyness that I hear so much, and I’m sure you do as well. And with all that busyness that people experience in life, that they’re not really tapping into their intuition, are they just going from one thing to another? Yeah, and that the power of that pause, the power of stopping and listening and feeling and grounding into the body. And when you say grounding, and that visualization of the cord, is Do you also think that we can do that anywhere, or should should we be getting out in nature, where should we be doing that?
Wendy De Rosa
You can do it anywhere. And if and certainly anywhere you feel ungrounded. So if it’s in the grocery store, or it’s in the car, or you know, sometimes if you’re driving and moving, it’s not your, you might not necessarily feel fully grounded, but you can still invoke the image and allow that sensation of I’m rooting into my body. Any anywhere it can be in the morning, it can be several times throughout the day. At nighttime, you can invoke the grounding cord and then just allow a shower of grace a shower of light through your body to just rinse off everything from your day and let it dump down your grounding cord. So really nice practice.
Murray Guest
Do you, do you practice, or do you suggest practicing a daily meditation at the start or the end of the day to help with that grounding practice?
Wendy De Rosa
I do. Yes. I mean, I recommend meditation, just in general, simply because of what it does to our entire being especially our stress levels, and how that affects the body. So yes, and having a bookend morning meditation and end of the day meditation, have a grounding cord or if there’s, you know, some people do gratitude practices or have their own meditation practices to to settle or clear themselves at the end of the day. That would be yes, I recommend both, if possible.
Murray Guest
Yeah. And so I’m imagining so a lot of my listeners on the podcast are leaders within business and leaders in life in the work that they do. And I’m just now picturing a process of it with that busyness of life and I’m, let’s say in a corporate role, or I’m leading a business and I’ve got to get something done. I’m going from one thing to another and until up in my head or above me that to actually stop and breathe and pause and tap into what I’m feeling in my body and how powerful that could be. And and once you do that process what’s the next thing? Do you think that comes after that Wendy? So if I’ve paused, what, what is there like, then okay, I then make a decision or I really listen to what I’m feeling or hearing.
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, so some people again might be feelers and some people might be listeners, they’ll hear. So they they hear a message that might come from within. And some people might feel a body sensation. So just, we’ll just keep in mind that there are different types of intuitives in different ways, our body intuits information. And also keep in mind that everybody has these. So one, one of these, you know, a variation or blends. So what you can do is, once you’ve paused, and you’re stopping to tune in, and you’ve gotten to that place of stillness, it might it would be a matter of just feeling into or tuning into your decision, you’re the question at hand, you know, am I getting a yes? Or am I getting a no? If I think about the outcome, outcome A, and I feel into my body with outcome A, do I get a yes? Or do I get a No? Or do I get sick to my stomach? Or do I get anxious? You know, those are some body sensations we might get? If I feel and Option B, what do I get? So that’s one way to work with it. I wanted to add to this, you know, I have a lot of clients who work in Silicon Valley, and I, I know the tech world, startup world, very, you know, in terms of what happens, it’s just really, it’s very fast paced. You know, there’s so much self care that’s needed to, to, to manage the intensity of, of what happens and these pauses can be so crucial, just to stay connected to yourself. So you don’t get you know, get spun out and lose, you know, lose yourself and make decisions that might not, you know, that might not result well. Keeping in mind that in that field, you have to make fast decisions. Yeah, these pauses can be very helpful.
Murray Guest
And, and my thought and tell me if this is something that aligns with your line of thinking it’s not about right or wrong, it’s about what’s the best option right now or the one that feels best. Is that the sort of guidance?
Wendy De Rosa
Absolutely. Yeah, I’m glad you said that. Because even if the outcome changes later, like even if you can get a yes now because the yes is about the journey, not the destination.
Murray Guest
Yeah, okay. Gotcha. Yeah, it does. Definitely. Sometimes there’s something or along that journey that we need to tap into more of. Yeah, yeah. So what’s coming up for you in the future? If you got programs, if you got events, what’s on your horizon?
Wendy De Rosa
Yes, I’ve got quite a bit, I run an intuitive healer training program, whether anyone is ever interested in being a healer or not. This is a very profound program, a life changing program that helps heal blocks in the body and transforms on every level, it’s very powerful. And that runs twice a year, I enroll that program twice a year, it’s a nine month program and has to live in person trainings with me. I also have an Intuitive Heart program, which is on my website. And that’s virtual. I’ve been running right now I’m actually running live calls with it. And I run every month, I run something called the divine healing inner circle. And that’s if you want to receive healing once a month. And I do a live deep one hour guided journey into clearing blocks in your system. And then I have a mid month q&a. So if you have questions as the month progresses, we get to just you know, come together live and have it’s been a beautiful discussion each time. And then I’ve got some live events and everything’s up on my website too. I’m going to be a Kripalu and I’ll be at 1440 and the United States so those events are up on my website School of intuitive studies.com
Murray Guest
Yeah, some great things coming up where whether someone, as you said, wants to learn about being a healer or wants to tap into their intuition or they want to release some of those blocks or just understand any of this more or get some healing. There’s just I can see a range of options there. And we’ll make sure there’s a link to your website, the School of intuitive studies in the podcast notes as well, because lots of different things there. So thank you. That sounds like a fair bit coming up. But yeah. Which is cool, which is exciting. And do you, have you seen and you sort of hinted at this before, there’s a bit of a growth in a greater focus on this type of work in the last few years?
Wendy De Rosa
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, there’s yes, that just the topic of intuition, and clearing blocks and energy healing are just increased, the field is increased. And it’s been profound. And one of the other things I’m co founder and as the National Association of Professional healers, because there are so many healers and energy workers and intuitives out there that, you know, might want to come together in a unified, you know, unified, like, connection. And so we provide, we provide a lot for healers, who are looking for a community. So yes, so it’s definitely increased. And it’s exciting.
Murray Guest
Yeah definitely. So, Wendy, I’ve so enjoyed this, this chat and connecting with you and getting to know you and the work that you do, I found that so inspiring. So thank you so much. I’ve really, really enjoyed it. I also asked the question every podcast, I want to ask you, and just get your perspective. So the question is, what do you think is the definition of inspired energy?
Wendy De Rosa
So, as I just sit with it, in myself, it feels like the definition from, for me, of what inspired energy is, is the, this spark of Yes, in the system that the spark of vibration and light and of inspiration, I get that sense of awakening inside. So I don’t know if that’s crystal clear. But that’s the that’s the feeling I get of this awakened ‘yes’ in my system.
Murray Guest
Oh, and I think we explored this a little bit in our conversation, and around that, that shift, and that grounding and energy that you help people have. And then I love the idea of that spark I can. And you talked about the lightness earlier, that sort of spark a lightness coming out and people. So it’s beautiful. Thank you.
Wendy De Rosa
Thank you.
Murray Guest
So, everybody, thanks for listening. And please, if you got something out of my conversation with Wendy, please share it online and tag, the School of intuitive studies and myself with the hashtag inspired energy. And, again, Wendy, thank you so much for your time, I loved connecting with you. And just getting to understand more about intuitive work and what that means for me and helping share that with people out in the world. So I’ll make sure there’s plenty of links to your upcoming programs and the work you’re doing. And again, I’ve loved our chat so much. Thank you.
Wendy De Rosa
Thank you so much, Murray. It’s been an honor and a blessing. Very, very grateful. Thank you.
Murray Guest
Thank you.