Episode 26 – Leaders who give a damn | It’s the little things

Leadership Conversations with Becky Hammond

This conversation is part 1 of a special podcast series where Becky Hammond and I discuss effective and inspiring leadership.

When Becky and I get together it’s like a powerhouse conversation, and this first episode in the Leaders Who Give a Damn (LWGAD) podcast series is no different. We discuss what are the little things that superstar leaders do on a daily basis (and your mindset around it), how to lead when your Strengths don’t lie within the relationship building category, and how breath work can enhance leadership skills.

Over this series, I partnered with Becky from Isogo Strong and if you know her at all, you know that she is a maven in the Strengths world. Becky partners with organisations across the USA to build cultures where people are more engaged and thrive. Becky also inspires couples and mums to look at life differently through a lens of strengths, focussing on what’s right and getting more flow back into their lives.

Together, we get to chat about some aspects of leadership that are perhaps LEAST talked about yet have the opportunity to be MOST impactful in your role as leader. Whether you are in that role as a leader now or it is in your future, this series is for you.

In this episode we also delve into the awareness that leaders have around where they’re investing their time, and how much time they’re investing into the technical aspects of their role versus the leadership elements of the role. And why every time you have a chance to interact with someone in a small way, starts to create a culture – whether you are present to it or not.
Key highlights include:
  • Why you need to have a workplace morning routine too – it sets the tone for the culture of the day
  • Leadership is not just a role, it’s not an aspect that you ‘tick the box’ on a daily/weekly/monthly basis – it’s a way to show up
  • Why the old style working relationship between managers and people isn’t working – the practice of command and control is just not inspiring.
So, catch this conversation about Leaders Who Give a Damn on your favourite podcast app.

Check out www.leaderswhogiveadamn.com to download your free infographic of 90 tips to be a Leader Who Gives A Damn. Also check out the quiz to find out if you’re a leader who gives a damn!

Next up is part two of this four-part series, where we focus on how you show up within your leadership role.


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